Vpn stands for Virtual inexpressive Network. This is a technology that allows one to remotely connect to a inexpressive network, so that they are "virtually" linked to that network, as though they are on-site and plugged into the Lan. Vpn is beneficial for remote workers to connect to office resources, such as internal web portals and file shares, without needing to be physically in the office. In this computer networking notes Vpn tutorial, we will take a brief summary of the dissimilar types and uses of Vpn.
There are many dissimilar Vpn protocols and types of Vpn's. Lan-to-Lan Vpn's are used to connect many networks together. For example, a corporate office may wish to have connectivity to many subject offices for internal transportation and resource access. This allows edge firewalls to still block any outside passage that tries to connect to its protected resources, but still allow these Vpn connections as though they are "internal" or already on the trusted side of the firewall. Ipsec is a variety of security protocols that are most commonly used for Lan-to-Lan Vpn's, providing a robust set of varying encryption and authentication protocols.
Remote workers connect to remote Vpn's. These are normally temporary, or "dial-in" connections. Microsoft Windows comes with Pptp (Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol) built-in, which provides an easy passage method to roll out. However, Pptp relies on a weak encryption protocol, called Ms-Chap, which makes it a less suitable option. Ipsec can also be used for remote Vpn's, with the use of extra third-party client software, and/or Ipv6. Ssl Vpn's are becoming more favorite for remote passage Vpn's, as they furnish a acquire connection, as well as the easiest selection for remote workers. With a Ssl Vpn, remote workers can normally login to a Https web page that allows them to download an app (often a Java app) that serves as the client software. After the first install, clients can normally run the app without having to login to the web page. Ssl Vpn's also may allow passage from the web portal to positive resources without needing to give remote workers a full network relationship to the inexpressive network.
![How Vpn Works](http://farm7.static.flickr.com/6001/5886147392_763bfe930d.jpg)
Aside from granting passage to remote workers, Vpn is sometimes used to mask a host's true identity. This presents a security concern, since Vpn can be used as an encrypted tunnel to transport classified data off of a corporate Lan. Contemporary data loss prevention (Dlp) and firewall rules not allowing outbound Vpn connections are a good beginning point, but Ssl is very difficult to accurately block, due to the fact that many legitimate acquire websites use Ssl. Vpn services can also be subscribed to for masking a host's external Ip. For example, a site or service may only be allowed in the Uk, but if man in the United States connects to a Uk Vpn server and uses it to browse to the site, it would appear they were in the Uk.
To recap, Vpn is a type of relationship that allows a remote relationship to be treated as though it is part of a local inexpressive network. These connections may be used for remote individuals or entire remote networks. Vpn connectivity is achieved with a variety of protocols. For more computer networking notes and tutorials, visit http://www.computernetworkingnotes.net.
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